An Invitation for You
What brings you joy? What excites you deep in your soul? Perhaps it's having a house full of people, laughing, and having a good time. Maybe cooking or gardening brings you joy as you see new creations coming into existence before your very eyes.
One of the things that brings me so much joy is hosting. This love for bringing people together began when I led youth ministry after college. The team and I would run around town preparing everything for Tuesday nights. You know, the dozens of pizzas, the silly string for the games, and the Scripture for the talk. Then I would sit at the door eagerly waiting for the first car of teens to arrive, so we could run out to the parking lot and welcome them like they were the stars of the show… Because, honestly, they were, not because of anything they did, but because God had invited them, and they were about to be in His presence and hear His Word.
I often think about the parable Jesus told about the Great Banquet as I host gatherings. But first, it is important to note that Jesus taught in parables so those listening could easily understand. They are not secret stories that need to be broken apart to see the meaning behind them. No, they are simple but profound truths about God and how He created us to be in a relationship with Him. He desires us to understand His Word and apply it to our everyday lives. The Great Banquet illustrates how God invites each of us to a relationship with Him through Jesus.
In Luke 14, Jesus taught about a master preparing for a great banquet. Maybe it's just me, but I think it was going to be fancy, like "ditch the paper plates and bring out the crystal" fancy. He sent his servant out to tell all the invited guests that everything was ready for them to join him for the feast. Each of them made excuses for why they could not come. The reasons ranged from just buying a field to being married. Scripture says that the master became so angry because there was still room at the banquet.
Jesus says, "Then the master told his servant, 'Go out to the roads and country lanes and compel them to come in, so that my house will be full. I tell you, not one of those who were invited will get a taste of my banquet.’”
Lukw 14:23-24 (NIV),
The banquet that once was for select people was now open to everyone!
One of my favorite things about Roll Called Ministries is our Mothers Banquet. I'm smiling as I write this because my heart eagerly awaits to see women in one room celebrating everything God has called them to be. While the food will be delicious and the fellowship will be sweet, I pray that this night reflects the image of God's invitation to each of us! We gather to celebrate their calling to motherhood, and on a much greater note, we will rejoice in the invitation to be the daughters of the King of kings!
Dear sister, I pray you respond to God's Great Banquet invitation! May our hearts skip for joy along the way, knowing that our Heavenly Father has a seat at the table prepared for each of us. I pray we tell everyone about Jesus and how the invitation is extended to them!